
Nov 29th, 2022

How to disable text selection in CSS

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Dhairya Shah

Software Engineer

We disable text selection on a webpage to prevent users from selecting important texts. Normally, we do not want to take away a user’s ability to select text, as that will lead to a bad user experience.

There was a time when a small number of websites would prohibit users from copying article text as a means of preventing plagiarism, but that is thankfully becoming less common.

Every thing has advantages and disadvantages; we discussed the disadvantages above; now, let’s discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of disabling text selection:

Table of content

How to disable text selection in CSS

All modern web browsers (except Safari) now support text selection disablement via the user-select property:

.text-container {
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

How to disable text selection in Safari

To disable text in Safari, we have to use -webkit-user-select CSS property:

.text-container {
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

How to disable text selection in Internet Explorer

To disable text in Internet Explorer, we have to use -ms-user-select CSS property:

.text-container {
    -ms-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

How to disable text selection in Tailwind CSS

To disable text in Tailwind CSS, we need to add select-none class to the element:

<div class="select-none">quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</div>

List of properties of user-select


In this article, you have learned how to disable text using CSS in different browsers and using Tailwind CSS. Further you have got a brief idea about the list of the properties of user-select.

I hope you have learned something useful and beneficial.

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